Email:   WeBeSailing @

Bahamas Cell number (242-425-6551) 

On board we have Winlink & Satellite telephone communications & we do our best to keep in touch. The best ways by far to reach us, is to call us on our sat phone (leave a message if we don’t answer and we’ll get back to you as soon as we get a satellite signal).

We collect our Yahoo messages as often as we can, but if we are not close to land, we are not able to access internet, which may delay our response to you emails. You can,  however, send us an email to the above winlink address (which we can access while at sea daily).

If we are not online,  we are
most likely gone sailing, exploring some beach somewhere, or lobster hunting!
If the lobster hunting is good, there is a good chance that we will log in after dinner!!!

You can always send us a Skype message (account name WeBeSailing) and we’ll respond as soon as we can connect.

Looking forward to hearing from you....

Annie & Eric
Cheers mon!!!